Tuesday, November 9, 2010

You, 10 Years Ago

Oprah had George W. Bush on her show recently.  Maybe even today, I don't know because I DVR everything and have no idea what the original air date is.  It was a very interesting interview, seeing someone that has been in the public eye for so long, be so candid about his failures and successes.  Amazing insight.  At one point Oprah showed a clip of GW last time he was on her show, 10 years ago, right after he won his first term as President.  He looked so young, hopeful.  He had no idea what his life was going to be like for the next 8 years.  I didn't look at him as a President that I voted for and genuinely liked, I looked at him as any President of the US.  How hard must it be?  Making decisions that are going to make one group or another hate you, always.  These leaders, they need prayers more than most.  So, before I really get into this blog, pray for President Obama and his family.  What a tough family to be. 
Oprah asked GW, "What would you have told yourself, 10 years ago, the first time you were on my show, knowing what you know now?  What advice would you have given him?"  Now, I know I'm not the President, but retrospect is an important tool for anyone.  So, what would we have told ourselves 10 years ago, knowing what we know now?  For me?  I have a couple...:

-Study history more.  FILL your brain with it.  You have no idea how important it will be to you in the future.
-You're all wrong about how you perceive yourself.  You are much stronger than you think you are.  And, although your tough act is mostly a front, you'll turn out so much more tough than any toughness you could ever fathom.  And yes, you are smarter than most...embrace it. 
-Invest in Apple.  All $17 to your name.
-All the life decisions you'll make are the right ones, just stand behind them with more confidence.  People will trust your decisions more when you're confident in them.
-You're going to drop out of college, and it's okay.  It isn't right for you, right now.  However, don't act like everyone is out of their minds when they tell you it's a dumb move.  Agree with them, just let them know God has something different planned for you.
-September 11th, 2001 will change lives, and it will also change the whole course of your life.  As painful as it is, harness that anger...you'll turn it into something muuuuuch more constructive one day.
-Find a female bum on the street.  Give her drugs, a disgusting loser boyfriend, and shave her head.  Next, track down Britney Spears and tell her you have come from the future and brought her future self with you to save her from an astonishing fall from grace.  Then, tell her one day she'll have a song called "Womanizer" and it will be ultra catchy. 
-For all the guys you think you're in love with....girl, please.  Wait until 2007.  You won't even know what hit you.
-Research any/all mind strengthening exercises and self confidence strengthening exercises.  If you don't, years later when you're literally punching walls in madness, you'll remember what I said and understand.
-I know right now you think beer and wine are icky....don't be such a snob.  Later in life you'll learn that in moderation, they are deeeeelicious.
-Right now, anything you think you know about pain and loss is insignificant...it gets worse.  But, you will always make it through, even if you don't think you can, God has much more planned for you.
-Go find Grandma Winnie, and hug her until her eyes pop out.  She won't be around much longer. 
-Your credit is as important as mom and dad say it is.
-You'll experience situations where you feel evil in the air.  You're going to be scared, because up until then all you've known is love, but it will pass.  God always prevails.  But, never forget the way that evil felt, you'll spend the rest of your life trying to save other people from it. 
-You are wrong about Prince William, he is not the cute brother.  Shift focus immediately. 

I hope in another 10 years, I can look at this and do an update.  Hopefully, the theme of it will be "Marriage and Parenting aren't as hard as everyone says it is.  Congratulations super-wife."  We'll see. 

What would you tell yourself 10 years ago?  I would really like to know! Post it as a comment or email me, I'd love to know people are as crazy as I am.  Until tomorrow, friends, when my Ryan will be home :)


  1. girl you amaze me sometimes with your thoughts, your so smart and such an insightful person! Im going to be wondering what to say to my younger self now, lord knows she needs some advice :)

  2. Oh, you mean 19 year old Khara? Girl . . . the list of things she needed to know could fill a book as big as the Bible. Crazy to know that though we've only known each other for a few years now I know you so well and you know me so well too. I don't think I was surprised to read anything on your list. I think the biggest thing I would have told myself back then was the boy thing. Isn't that so cheesy and cliche?! But seriously, sometimes I do thank God for unanswered prayers for real. I mean, seriously?! WTF was I thinking?! Oh, the other thing I would have told myself. Wake the hell up girl, everyone is not created equal, you will hate some people someday, maybe it's not WWJDy of you but that's why He was Jesus and you are not, hate away sister, those mother f'ers deserve some hate. I will not coexist. (Sorry for such a profanity ridden comment!)

  3. 1. Life isn't fair. You will work harder and be better at your job than people who make the same amount of money as you do.

    2. It is all very noble to say money doesn't matter, but it does. It certainly isn't the most important thing, but it matters. Look out for yourself because no one else will. Except for your family, but you get the point.

    3. Believe Mrs. Moore when she tells you the economy will tank just around the time you are getting a career started. Don't believe that pay scale you see when you start teaching. You will actually only get one raise your second year and no raise your third and fourth years.

    4. You are a person who likes to focus on one thing and do it well. That's okay, but realize that most people will only be concerned with quantity, not quality.

  4. Me 10 years ago was already out of teenage years and married, but still naive. I would REALLY like to get a hold of myself 15-18 years ago, but here goes:

    Anything worthwhile about you was given by Him and for Him. The only way to experience true lasting joy is to use your gifts for the Lord's glory, not your own. Praise from people is temporal and fleeting, not something to base your life around.

    Marriage is a big deal! It is the biggest earthly commitment you will enter into and should be treated as so. Explore the Lord's blueprint for marriage and follow it.

    Respect your husband.

    Get rid of your bad temper and selfishness. Everyone is sick of it!

    Your children will be arriving soon! You will feel like the first year with Kathryn will never end, later you will wish you cherished it more. Make the most of those years with your children because they are gone in a blink of an eye.

    "Things" are not important.

    I like #4 that the last person posted. Good advice for us all to get a singular focus and excel at it! Resist the pressure to overcommit. (I'm still a work in progress.)

  5. Ten years ago, eh? Wow! Here goes:

    #1 Hold on to those around you, learn to lean on them, they may one day be your entire reason for holding yourself together.

    #2 Cherish the love of others, you are unique and people will draw many strengths from you even if you are unaware of how or why while it is happening.

    #3 Continue to do that thing you do, greet everyone with a smile, treat all with respect no matter thier circumstance. I promise, someones spirit will be lifted because of it, if not your own.

    #4 Take time to enjoy the smallest of pleasures, life will begin to race, sometimes seemingly out of control, do all in your power to slow it down.

    #5 Be prepared for losses that will shake you to your very soul. It's cruel, I know, but noone can ever be completely prepared... practice #1, often.

  6. Your retrospective BLOG made me think what was I even doing 10 years ago today? Amazingly enough TBI and all I remember exactly what I was doing 10 years ago today (plus or minus a few hours for the time zone difference). I was sitting in a guard tower. I believe the temperature was somewhere between colder than a witches tit and freezing my balls off. Now what would I have told then PFC Byers?
    - In about 4 days something bad is going to happen to you, it’s going to rock the very basis of your believes. Your life will never be the same again. DON’T WORRY, You will live through it and this one horrific event will change your lifes path and although you won’t be able to see how it has made your life better until 2004 when you find out you are going to have a son, trust me that the new life you will have will be filled with the best people on Earth. Hold on to those people! Forget and let go of anger. Your life still has endless amounts of happiness left just wait and see.
